Wednesday, September 26, 2007


It's time to start putting together the pieces that we have been working on in class with all of the reading that we have been doing. And the way that you are going to do that (notice I said you :-)) is in the form of an essay. I'd like for you to write a 5-7 page essay in which you address the writing style, cultural influences and personal connections in O'Connor and Faulkner's fiction. In order to accomplish this task, you are going to have to discuss how their fiction represents their society--whether it reflects it and/or comments upon it--the historical setting. In addition, you will be sure to discuss the elements of the literary movement that you can find within their writing. I've suggested that you can locate both authors within the Southern Gothic tradition. So why do you agree or disagree with that. Of course most authors write what they know. So in analyzing their writing, you'll need to discuss how their personal experiences are represented in their fiction. This essay will be due two weeks from today--October 10, 2007

Your task for today is to find 2 more academic sources (use the databases that PJC subscribes to) for each of those elements: Historical/cultural, biographical, and Southern Gothicism. I've already given you at least one for each of these. If I were you, as I did my search I would be sure to combine the key word terms and put each in quotation marks. My search would look something like this:

"Flannery O'Connor" and "Souther Gothic"
"William Faulkner" and "Biography"

To demonstrate that you have accomplished your goals, I would like a list of the sources that you have found which includes a good, well-developed paragraph summarizing each source. This list should include the title, author, and as much publication information as you can provide. It's due by Monday via email (

Mrs. M

PS. Do you have a PJC ID and has it been activated at the Library? If so, you can go to the library website and access the databases that they subscribe to from their website--click on "find articles." When you do, it will take you to this page: this page, you enter the bar code from your id as your borrowers id and the last for digits of your SS# as your passcode.From there, you can choose the database in which you can search for articles. If you don't have your id yet, you can only do this assignment at the library until you get one and it's activated. If you have your id, but it's not activated, read the directions here:

Mrs. M

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